Real Punting

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Reviewed by admin almost 15 years ago.

1 month / 30 days
79.0 /100

Real Punting shows folks what it's like to fuck real UK escorts via videos, photos and detailed reports. Better still, the site also provides information on how to get in touch with the escorts featured on the site. Truly, Real Punting is the best escort directory for the United Kingdom and a great sire for amateur escort videos.

Very good

Hot content AND info you can use to get laid in real life... what more could you ask for?!


Content looks good with new videos being HD, though isn't flawless.


Easy to use. Navigation is a breeze.

Above average

Seems to be updated regularly but with no set schedule.


PricePeriodRebillsAdditional Info
Best Deal
$34.99 1 month / 30 daysRebills after every period
$44.99 1 month / 30 days
$84.99 3 months / 90 days

Payment Processors: Epoch, CCBill

Concept And Introduction

If you live in the United Kingdom, finding the right escort just got a whole lot easier thanks to Real Punting, an escort directory with a twist, the twist being the webmasters test-drive escorts for you and then post the results of their findings for all to see!

Porn Talk

Dating sucks. You dump a small fortune into wining and dining some cooze who whines while she dines and you have to sit there and pretend to listen to her and, of course, you still go home alone at the end of the night! If only there were another way to get laid... oh, that's right, there is another way: escorts! But how does one find the right escort? Welcome to

Tech Talk

There are roughly 200 scenes available on Real Punting at the present time.

Small Talk And Personal Opinion

The beauty of Real Punting is that it schools its members in what to expect when booking an escort in the United Kingdom - not only is this site erotic, it's also useful! The videos show the entire escort experience, from the escort's arrival to the cleanup with tissues at the every end. The working gals chat about their jobs before getting down to business, letting members learn what they will and won't do for money.


Why buy the cow when you can buy the milk instead? Get it? Escorts beat dating every time, thus Real Punting is an indispensable resource any British citizen or vacationing punter can and should use. Hell, even if you don’t have the guts to call any of the escorts from the site, you can still live vicariously through the webmasters. My only real beef with this site is that it doesn't have a U.S. branch.

Real Punting Screencaps

Real Punting Screencap
Real Punting Screencap
Real Punting Screencap
Real Punting Screencap